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Good Practice Award presented to the Polish National Labour Inspectorate for the campaign ‘National Labour Inspectorate(NLI) communication activities and advice for refugees from Ukraine taking up work in Poland’

The European Labour Authority presented awards to four exemplary Good Practices during the ELA conference in Bratislava on 20 June 2023. One of the Good Practice Awards was presented to the Polish National Labour Inspectorate for the good practice the ‘National Labour Inspectorate (NLI) communication activities and advice for refugees from Ukraine taking up work in Poland’.

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ELA's executive director and the head of cooperation support posing with the EURES Slovakia representative, receiving the Call for Good Practices award

ELA presented awards to four exemplary Good Practices during the ELA conference in Bratislava on 20 June 2023. One of the Good Practice Awards in the field of seasonal work was presented to EURES Slovakia, Central Office of Labour, Social Affairs and Family, for the good practice “Cooperation in seasonal employment between Slovakia and the Netherlands”. The practice was awarded as it can be easily implemented by countries with similar demands in seasonal work. 

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group photo ceremony awards

Good Practice Awards presented at ELA conference in Bratislava today

The European Labour Authority presented today awards to four exemplary Good Practices. The Call for Good Practices in 2022 yielded 20 good practices in total. It focused in two fields: seasonal work and road transport. Four practices were awarded during a ceremony in connection with the ELA conference in Bratislava.

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ELA and European Commission - DG GROW together to build the capacity of SOLVIT centres

ELA and European Commission - DG GROW together to build the capacity of SOLVIT centres

More than 50 EU SOLVIT representatives participated in a training  on 8-9 March organised by ELA in cooperation with the European Commission (DG GROW) and the SOLVIT network. The training was about cross-sectoral understanding of EU labour mobility rules, enforcement, fair labour mobility rules in the single market  and had the aim to build the capacity of SOLVIT Centres.  

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Delegation of the Employment and Social Affairs Committee of the European Parliament led by MEPs Antonius Manders (EPP) and Daniela Rondinelli (S&D), visits ELA

Members of the European Parliament, Mr Antonius Manders, from the European Peoples’ Party and Ms Daniela Rondinelli, from the Socialist & Democrats, led the European Parliament delegation during its official visit to the European Labour Authority on the 20th and 21th of February 2023 at ELA’s premises in Bratislava, Slovakia. The aim of the visit was to get a better idea on ELA’s operational activities and exchange views on ELA's priorities for 2023.

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