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Ex-ante publicity for low value contract - Negotiated procedure to conclude a low value contract: strategic foresight/scenario building activity on the impact of common labour market imbalances (labour shortages and surpluses) on EU (ELA/2023/LVP/0034)

As part of the approach described above, the purpose of this contract is to deliver the so called ‘driver files’. The contractor is expected to: 

  • Participate in the first stakeholder workshop which will take place on 17 October 2023 in ELA’s premises in Bratislava. 

  • Draft ‘driver files’, based on the outcomes of the first stakeholder workshop. 

  • Revise and finalise the driver files based on ELA’s input and requests.

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Submission deadline

Provision of analytical and methodological support services (ELA/2023/OP/0031)

The purpose of this call is to assist the European Labour Authority (ELA) with the provision of analytical services, including compilation and analysis of structural labour market and labour mobility data, information needs analysis, mapping of existing information sources, methodological support for data collection and compilation, development of analytical models, and implementation and analysis of surveys. 

The call for tenders is divided into 2 lots:

Lot 1 – Quantitative data compilation and analysis, mixed methods

Lot 2 – Qualitative analysis and mapping, mixed methods

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Submission deadline

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