Mr. Marius-Constantin Budăi, the Romanian Minister of Labour and Social Solidarity, met the Executive Director of ELA, Mr. Cosmin Boiangiu today in Bratislava, Slovakia. They opened ELA event with the network of Labour and Social Attaché working at Romanian Embassies in EU Member States. The aim of the event was to strengthen cooperation in promoting fair labour mobility.

10 Member States with 60 experts come together in the first edition. Venice, Sofia, Bratislava will host the events.

ELA promotes exchange of experiences on information provision in seasonal work in Europe

In the European Year of Youth, five EU Agencies, Cedefop, Eurofound, ELA, EU-OSHA and ETF are together to organise an event with the EMPL Committee of the European Parliament to share their insights and explore the challenges and opportunities for young people in times of uncertainty.

Two information leaflets for drivers and operators in the road transport sector are now available in multilingual versions.
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