⚠️ Important notice: beware of scams ⚠️
We have been alerted of fraudulent use of the European Labour Authority logo and name in fake direct job offers, orders and/or requests for payments. Please be aware that ELA does not offer jobs or place orders in this way, an in particular never asks for money in return.
These messages are scams. If you receive any such communication, do not engage, share personal information, or send money. We are taking legal action against the perpetrators. Stay alert and cautious! Contact us to report a scam.

5 years of ELA
2019-2024: Discover ELA's key achievements during its first five years of activity.

Open call for papers!
Submit your paper for the ELA Tech Conference 2025 - third edition!

Find your ideal job or employee in Europe on the EURES portal.
Latest news

Workers from Romania were exploited at a waste processing plant in Budapest. They received meagre or no pay and lived in inhumane conditions.

Undeclared work, bogus self-employment and temporary contracts leaves many without essential protection like health insurance and pensions.

Joint inspections across the EU resulted in over 370 identified infringements.
ELA in a nutshell
The European Labour Authority helps to ensure that EU rules on labour mobility and social security coordination are enforced in a fair and effective way. Our goal is to make it easier for individuals and businesses to benefit from the internal market of the European Union.
Who we are:
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