Official information related to labour market, labour mobility, posting of workers and social security coordination in Sweden.
Overview of the labour market in Sweden.
Living and working conditions in Sweden.
Official national website on the posting of workers.
Benefits you are entitled to as a national of any EU country who moves to Sweden.
Open positions provided by the Public Employment Service in Sweden.
Find all the available services for employers.
Report suspected economic crime: Swedish Economic Crime Authority
đź“ł +46(0)105 629 090
Tell us about tax evasion: Swedish Tax Agency (Skatteverket) | Report suspected fraud or errors
Report health and safety risks: Reporting health and safety risks - Arbetsmiljöverket (av.se)
Report suspected work life criminality: Arbetslivskriminalitet – tipsa polisen | Polismyndigheten
If you suspect incorrect payments or benefit fraud: Om du misstänker felaktiga utbetalningar eller bidragsbrott - Försäkringskassan (forsakringskassan.se)
Apply for a job in Sweden Sweden.se
Foreign workers in Sweden - posting: Swedish working environment authority
Before you go – work safely in Sweden: Before you go | Swedish Gender Equality Agency