Call for Good Practices 2023 extended deadline
English (166.17 KB - PDF)Selected good practices 2023
- Austria - Faire Arbeit – Fair Work
- Spain - Communication plan to attract professionals and disseminate good Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) practices in the construction sector
- Croatia - Monitoring the application of collective agreements in the construction sector regarding foreign workers in Croatia
- Bulgaria - Transnational Cooperation supporting Bulgarian workers in the construction sector and other sectors
- Romania - ID CARDS for Decent Work in the Construction Industry
- Estonia - Competency management tool for construction companies to assess migrant workers' skill levels before they arrive in the country of work
- Italy - Congruity indexes for construction works
- Poland - Inspection and preventive campaign “Construction STOP accidents!”
- Germany - Mobile workers in the construction sector: outreach counselling, data collection, and self-organisation
Preventing social security fraud
- Poland - Accessible guide for insured workers and employers about social insurance when seconding to work abroad
- Belgium - Cross-border social fraud and abuse in social security: the Osiris Platform
- Portugal - DLA Application – Posting of workers
- Poland - A1 Certificate authenticity confirmation service
- Belgium - MYDIA mobile application for social inspection services
- Belgium - The role of district cells in the fight against social fraud
- Germany - Addressing holiday allowance frauds in the construction sector: outreach work and cooperation with key stakeholders
- The Netherlands - Expert sessions for (potential) cross border workers - Tailor made advisory service by competent authorities for employees and job seekers
- The Netherlands - checklists for employers
- Germany - Decent Work Berlin (Hidna Pratsya Berlin)
- The Netherlands - Improving awareness among employers in the agricultural/horticultural sector on the rights and working conditions of mobile and migrant workers
- Portugal - Seize the Summer with EURES
- Portugal, Italy, France, Spain - Planning and developing operational actions on an annual basis, reinforcing cooperation on mobility issues
ELA Good practice collection
The European Labour Authority (ELA) is proud to announce the launch of the 2nd edition of the Call for Good Practices as part of the good practice collection exercise with the aim to collect good practice examples on various areas in which ELA is operational. ELA will promote the exchange, dissemination and uptake of good practices and knowledge collected among Member States. ELA also collects good practices within the Undeclared Work framework.
What is a good practice?
For the purposes of this call, a ‘good practice’ is considered to be a policy measure targeting a clearly identified group, which has a clear objective, is highly visible and accessible for the target group, is backed by sustainable funding, and produces the intended results or at least better results than existing alternatives by using delivery mechanisms tailored to the intended target group and objectives. The measure can be a stand-alone instrument, or a set of measures, but should in any case be embedded into the wider policy framework.
- Other elements of good practices may, inter alia, include the following features:
- Inclusivity
- Involves a set of different stakeholders
- Replicability
- Be evidence based.
Priorities for 2023
Which topics can be covered by Call for Good Practices?
Topics of the Call for Good Practices may vary each year and reflect ELA’s sectoral or cross-sectoral priorities searching for good practices addressing labour market imbalances, sector-specific challenges linked to campaigns launched by the Authority, and recurring challenges in relation to enforcement (e.g. in the area of posting, road transport, seasonal work, construction, undeclared work, social security coordination, new forms of employment, digitalisation, provision of information, etc.).
What are priorities for 2023?
The Call for Good Practices 2023 has the following priorities:
- Construction
The European Labour Authority is launching a Call for Good Practices to identify and share initiatives in the construction sector, aimed at tackling the challenges related to posting of workers, free movement, coordination of social security systems and dissemination of information to workers and employers.
Stakeholders i.e., Member States and their regional/local bodies, social security institutions, public employment services, EURES Members and Partners, social partners (individually or jointly) and civil society actors are invited to submit their initiatives.
Particularly, but not exclusively, this call aims at initiatives reaching out to posted workers in the construction sector and involving them in dedicated events. Such practices can address thematic information for instance regarding Occupational Safety and Health (OSH), or they can target specific segments of posted workers, such as third country nationals or workers hired through temporary work agencies.
Furthermore, providers of initiatives aiming to tackle labour and skills shortages in the construction sector are invited to submit their approaches. This call is open to relevant initiatives for example aimed to attract labour (such as by enhancing the attractiveness of a sector, occupation or region; through an active migration policy; or by improving recruitment strategies of companies), or to provide access to the sector/occupation through training, awareness raising or information provision, and improved matching between jobseekers and employers. Providers or administrators of such initiatives can be national, regional or local governments or their administrative bodies (including social security institutions and public employment services), social partners (individually or jointly), EURES Members and Partners, sectoral or civil society actors.
- Preventing social security fraud
Good practices could also be focused on social security, to tackle frauds related to the entitlement of benefits when they are misaligned with work (be it self-employed or employed workers) or incompatible with other social security benefits received in another Member State. The call targets social security institutions and their initiatives focused on tackling the deceitful use of pension schemes and other social protection measures linked not only to posting, but also to the free movement of workers within the EU.
Initiatives aimed at cooperation among different Member States’ social security bodies, as well as those directed at cross-checking of information between social security registers of Member States can be submitted, as well as all the tools and measures tackling the misuse of social benefits.
Apart from these priorities, you can submit your good practices on other topics in the field of EU labour mobility.
How to participate
Who can apply?
The ongoing Call for Good Practices is open to Member State administrations, but also to other stakeholders operating at the national, regional or local level, including social security institutions, civil society and social partner organisations.
How to submit a good practice?
You can submit your application containing a good practice example by following these steps and guidelines: - Fill in the short application form available in this link (in English);
- Applicants may submit more than one proposal (by filling out the short application form for each good practice proposal)
- In case more details are required on the submitted good practice, you will be contacted using the contact information provided in the application form;
- These good practices will be listed in the ELA good practice library which will be made available on ELA’s website, while the exemplary practices will have the opportunity to be presented and receive a certificate of recognition during an ELA event. Should you have any questions, please contact: capacity
ela [dot] europa [dot] eu (capacity[at]ela[dot]europa[dot]eu)
What is the deadline for submitting good practice?
The Call for Good Practices is a recurring one and good practice examples may be submitted regularly, but with a specified deadline for submitting good practice in accordance with priorities set up for specific year.
Deadline for submitting applications for the Call for good practices 2023 is 30th of June 2023.
What are the benefits of participation?
The benefits of participation are:
- The European recognition of performance and achievements;
- An opportunity to present the good practice during an ELA event;
- Visibility of practices on the ELA website;
- Contribute to good practice exchange among Member States, and their potential uptake by other Member States;
- Contribute to the effective application and enforcement of EU labour mobility law within the EU.
Selection of exemplary practices
Exemplary practices will be selected against the following criteria by the ELA Evaluation group:
- Achievements and recognition
Alignment of good practice with the topic(s) of the Call for the specific year, explaining the impact of the practice achievements in the respective area, comparison of achieved outcomes and set objectives, has this practice been referred to as a good practice in or outside your Member State, etc.
- Cost effectiveness
The degree to which the practice was successful in reaching objectives and producing clear and measurable outcomes at the lowest possible cost.
- Transferability
How the experience from this practice could be transferred to other contexts i.e. what would another Member State/group/sector need to have or put in place for this measure to be successful in their country/group/sector.
- Sustainability
How the practice is sustainable from a social, financial or environmental perspective.
- Innovativeness
Innovative features of the good practice.
- Digitalisation
Design, development and/or utilisation of digital tools, policies or plans for digitalisation, business processes and data digitalisation, data sharing digital initiatives, the use of digitalisation to facilitate the access to data in real time and detection of fraud and error, etc.
Personal data protection
Any personal data included in or relating to this Call, including its publication shall be processed by the European Labour Authority pursuant to Regulation (EU) 2018/1725 of the European Parliament and of the Council of 23 October 2018 on the protection of natural persons with regard to the processing of personal data by the Union institutions, bodies, offices and agencies and on the free movement of such data.
It shall be processed solely for the purposes of the performance, management and monitoring of this Call by the European Labour Authority without prejudice to possible transmission to the bodies charged with a monitoring or inspection task in conformity with Union law.
The data subject shall have the right of access to her/his personal data and the right to rectify any such data. Should the data subject have any queries concerning the processing of her/his personal data, the data subject shall address them to the Unit organising this Call (Cooperation Support Unit, Capacity Building Sector). The data subject shall have right of recourse at any time to the European Data Protection Supervisor.
ELA Data Protection Officer (DPO) publishes the register of all processing operations on personal data by ELA, which have been documented and notified to her. You may access the register via the following link:
This specific processing operation has been included in the DPO’s public register with the following Record reference: DPR-ELA-2022-0041 Call for Good Practices Privacy statement.