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Construction sector: Issues in information provision, enforcement of labour mobility law, social security coordination regulations, and cooperation between Member States

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This study explores enforcement challenges in EU construction labour laws, focusing on worker postings. Despite efforts, compliance remains elusive due to awareness gaps. ELA could enhance enforcement, communication, and data collection for improved.


Publication's description

This study analyses challenges related to the enforcement of labour mobility and social security laws in the construction sector, with a specific focus on the posting of workers. Despite measures in place in the European Union Member States to ensure compliance with posting rules, their enforcement has been challenging in the construction sector. Posted workers and their employers are also not always fully aware of their rights and obligations despite several initiatives to improve the communication of relevant information by social partners, Member States and the European Commission. The sector also struggles with labour and skill shortages, and although some cross-border initiatives exist to address these shortages, they are often hindered by language and cultural differences, along with limited recognition of skills and qualifications. The findings in this study suggest that the ELA could play a more active role in supporting the improved enforcement of posting rules in the construction sector in Member States, the communication of information to workers and employers concerned, and contributing to the improvement of data collection on labour mobility in the construction sector.

Publication's documents

ELA report on Construction sector: issues in information provision, enforcement of labour mobility law, social security coordination regulations, and cooperation between Member States

This study analyses challenges related to the enforcement of labour mobility and social security laws in the construction sector, with a specific focus on the posting of workers. 

English (1.79 MB - PDF)

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