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Ex-ante publicity for middle-value contract ELA/2022/MVP/0017 - Negotiated procedure to conclude a middle-value contract: Report on Labour Shortages and Surpluses 2023 (EURES)


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Opening date
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1. Purpose of contract

The European Labour Authority (ELA) is a Union body established by Regulation (EU) 2019/1149. Its aim is to ensure that EU rules on labour mobility and social security coordination are enforced in a fair, simple and effective way and to make it easier for citizens and businesses to reap the benefits of the internal market.

In 2021, the management of the European Coordination Office (ECO) of the European network of employment services (EURES) has been transferred from the European Commission to the European Labour Authority. Amongst others, and in line with Article 30 of the EURES Regulation (EU) 2016/589, since then ELA is responsible to publish data on labour shortages and surpluses.

The tasks foreseen under the contract are:

  • Project management and quality control
  • Systematic mapping of European and national data sources and indicators to identify and measure labour and skills shortages and surpluses, and compilation of the main characteristics of the available datasets
  • Compilation and analysis of data from the EURES National Coordination Offices (NCOs). Data from NCOs will be collected through a structured template which is to be developed/revised by the contractor. ELA will distribute the template to NCOs. The contractor will be tasked with checking and compiling the contributions. Additionally, the contractor will be asked to use other data sources to validate, contextualise and enrich the input provided by the NCOs (updated on 16/01/2023).
  • Contextualisation of the information provided by NCOs
  • Deriving analytical conclusions and policy pointers
  • Presentation of draft findings in a stakeholder forum organised by ELA
  • Reporting

The Contractor is expected to deliver:

  • Minutes of the kick-off and other project meetings;
  • An induction report of max. 20 pages, outlining the research approach, project management and quality control frameworks, and regular progress updates;
  • An interim, draft final and final report with descriptive and analytical components as well as conclusions and policy pointers of max. 80 pages, as well as the full underlying dataset;
  • A standardised overview of relevant data sources and indicators available at European level and in the EURES countries to identify and measure labour and skills shortages and surpluses;
  • A presentation of the draft findings in a stakeholder forum organised by ELA.

2. Price

The maximum amount for this contract is EUR 125,000.

3. Indicative time schedule and contact point

The indicative time schedule for launching the negotiated procedure is February 2023. Interested economic operators can express their interest to participate in this negotiated procedure until 25 January 2023 at 12.00 CET in writing to finance-procurementatela [dot] europa [dot] eu (ela-procurement[at]ela[dot]europa[dot]eu)In addition to their interest, interested economic operators are asked to indicate their full official name, full official address and a contact e-mail address (updated on 16/01/2023).

The indicative date to sign the contract is April 2023.

The estimated performance period of the resulting contract is 10 months (contract not renewable).  

4. Protection of personal data

If processing a tender involves the recording and processing of personal data (such as name, address and CV), this data will be processed pursuant to Regulation (EC) No 2018/1725. Unless indicated otherwise, any personal data will be processed solely for evaluation purposes under the negotiated procedure by the Executive Director of ELA. Details concerning the processing of personal data are available in the privacy statement at:

The tenderer's personal data may be registered in the Early Detection and Exclusion System (EDES) if the tenderer is in one of the situations mentioned in Article 136 of the Financial Regulation. For more information, see the privacy statement.

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