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20th September event “Skills, skills, skills”: follow it live!

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In the European Year of Skills, Cedefop, Eurofound, EU-OSHA, the ETF and ELA in partnership with the European Parliament and the European Commission/DG EMPL will come together to share their insights on current and future skills needs. 


What skills are needed now in the EU? What are the gaps, where are the shortages? What initiatives can be successful in anticipating future skills needs?

Skills and ‘the right to quality and inclusive education, training and life-long learning’ is principle number 1 of the European Pillar of Social Rights. But what skills are needed now, what are the gaps, where are the shortages, and what will be needed tomorrow? What initiatives can be successful in anticipating future skills needs?

During the European Year of Skillsfive EU agencies under the remit of DG Employment and Social Affairs (CedefopEurofoundEU-OSHA, the ETF and ELA) will share their complementary labour market and skills intelligence. Together with Members of the European Parliament and the European Commission they will discuss with key stakeholders the challenges and opportunities involved in tackling labour and skills shortages.

Join the debate and discover the latest findings on current and future skills needs, and the implications for working conditions and safety and health. Be part of shaping bold priorities for the EU's long-term growth, sustainability, and inclusion ambitions.

The presentation and debate will be held in English. Participation is by invitation only. Live streaming will also be provided.

Follow the joint event “Skills, skills, skills” live! Wednesday, 20 September 2023 from 10:00 - 13:00 CEST

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