In a commitment combating road transport irregularities, the European Labour Authority (ELA) and the European Roads Policing Network (ROADPOL) joined forces once again 6-12 November 2023 to conduct a successful "Truck and Bus Operation". This joint action supported by ELA extended across three Member States, Belgium, France, and Romania, and yielded significant results by uncovering a wide range of infringements against road transport regulations, varying from severe to minor violations. The operation resulted in total fines exceeding EUR 50,000. A number of national roadside checks were organised in many other Member States (see website for more details).
A multinational team of 86 enforcement officers, including 18 observers from eight EU Member States, Belgium, Bulgaria, Croatia, France, Poland, Romania, Slovenia, and Sweden, conducted rigorous inspections of 192 vehicles. This cross-border collaboration demonstrated the strong commitment to address irregularities and enhance cooperation in the road transport sector.
The ELA Week of Action in Road Transport in numbers:
- 192 vehicles checked;
- 92 infringements identified;
- 86 enforcement officers involved;
- 8 Member States involved;
- 18 observers from other Member States and 9 ELA staff.
The operation discovered driving and resting time violations, which were often attributed to pressure to meet delivery deadlines. In one extreme case, a truck driver was found to have three driver cards, indicating in total regular more than 17-hour driving periods without breaks. This behaviour is very risky as it poses a significant threat to both road safety and drivers’ well-being.
The ELA Week of Action in Road Transport demonstrated the effectiveness of mixed inspection teams, as their diverse perspectives were very valuable in addressing cross-border irregularities. Inspectors encountered drivers from various countries, including both EU and non-EU countries.
ELA and its partners remain committed to uphold European road transport legislation and support national authorities in safeguarding the rights and obligations of both drivers and employers. ELA will continue to conduct inspections, provide information, advice and support cross-border cooperation in this essential sector. The Weeks of Action in Road Transport will continue in 2024, strengthening the efforts to promote fair working conditions and road safety.