ELA promotes exchange of experiences on information provision in seasonal work in Europe

In autumn 2022, ELA launches mutual learning events on information provision in seasonal work. These events aim at facilitating the exchange of good practices in the field of information and communication by governmental institutions, the EURES network, social partners and other relevant actors to seasonal workers and their employers.
10 Member States will join this first edition, namely Bulgaria, France, Germany, Italy, the Netherlands, Poland, Portugal, Romania, Slovakia, and Spain. 60 experts will take part in three workshops :
- 18 October 2022 - Venice
- 8 November 2022 - Sofia
- 30 November 2022 - Bratislava
Sharing experiences on information provision in seasonal work
In interactive sessions and working groups, the participants will explore topics such as:
- information tools for seasonal workers and their employers – how to best communicate with them;
- information needs of seasonal workers and their employers – what are their most common questions;
- different approaches of information provision for different seasonal sectors, e.g. agriculture, tourism;
- different approaches of information provision for different target groups, e.g. young workers, small employers;
- cooperation of information providers across borders, to ensure workers’ and employers’ awareness about their rights and obligations before and after hiring.
Seasonal work and the 2021 Rights for All Seasons campaign
Workers and employers in seasonal sectors, such as agri-food, tourism, and hospitality, face significant deficits when accessing complete and up-to-date information. Hence, there is a need to facilitate and promote access to information on the rights and obligations associated with fair free movement of labour across the EU. Addressing this need is part of ELA’s mission: in 2021 the European Labour Authority ran the information campaign ‘Rights for all seasons’, in partnership with the European Commission, the EURES network, the European Platform tackling undeclared work, EU Member States and social partners. The campaign aimed to raise awareness on existing rights, obligations and counselling services amongst seasonal workers, employers, and their representatives.