ELA launches the call for good practices 2023
ELA launches the call for good practices 2023
Focus fields of the year: construction and preventing social security fraud
ELA is launching the second edition of the call for good practices 2023. This year the call will aim to collect good practice examples in the fields of:
The purpose of the call is to exchange, disseminate and uptake good practices and knowledge collected by Member States and other stakeholders that operate at the national, regional or local level, including social security institutions, civil society and social partner organisations.
The potential findings from the call are expected to contribute to the effective application and enforcement of EU labour mobility law within the EU, by encouraging good practice exchange, and their potential further application by Member States.
Good practice examples should be submitted by filling the application form by the 30th of June 2023. Applicants can submit more than one good practice. Should you have any questions, please contact: capacityela [dot] europa [dot] eu (capacity[at]ela[dot]europa[dot]eu)
Outcomes of the 2022 call for good practices
The call for good practices is a recurring initiative launched by ELA in 2022. The 2022 call yielded 20 good practices in the priority fields of Road Transport and Seasonal Work. The selected practices will get European recognition of performance and achievements, visibility by means of publication on ELA website. Good practices recognized as the most effective ones will also be presented during an ELA event that will take place in Bratislava in the first semester of 2023.