ELA initiates extensive training series on EU road transport legislation
ELA initiates extensive training series on EU road transport legislation
Comprehensive sessions scheduled across 2024 for all 27 Member States
For the first time ever, the ELA, in collaboration with CORTE (Confederation of Organisations in Road Transport Enforcement) and the European Commission, is organising an extensive series of training and information sessions for all 27 EU Member States on enforcement of road transport social legislation, with a focus on roadside inspections, particularly on driving time, breaks and rest periods as well as on posting of drivers.
The information sessions are organised in collaboration with ETF (European Transport Workers’ Federation) and IRU (World Road Transport Organisation).
The aim of this project is to improve common understanding and the consistency of enforcement of the provisions of the Mobility Package I through training sessions for enforcers to deepen knowledge on complex topics that require clarity, and to disseminate various materials developed by stakeholders.
The training sessions will be held in the form of five onsite hybrid sessions in groups of 4-6 Member States based on their geographical proximity, held throughout the year in Poland, Lithuania, Belgium, Italy and Cyprus:
The online information sessions are dedicated to road transport operators and social partners on topics such as roadside inspections relating to the rules on driving time, breaks and rest periods and the posting of drivers. The participants will have the opportunity to hear from and engage in discussions with representatives from ELA, CORTE, IRU and EFT.