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Undeclared work among displaced persons/refugees from Ukraine was discussed at a subgroup meeting of ELA Platform Tackling Undeclared Work in Warsaw today

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A newly established subgroup on tackling undeclared work among displaced persons/refugees from Ukraine met in Warsaw today. Different authorities and social partners need to combine their efforts to promote declared work, protect workers’ rights, and address the vulnerabilities and risks possibly faced by the Ukrainian workers when entering the European labour market.  The European Commission and EU agencies have, in a multi-actor approach,  offered their support to the actions in the EU Member States to raise awareness, protect the rights of the Ukrainian citizens, and prevent, detect, identify and prosecute cases of undeclared work and labour exploitation.


The subgroup group was set up in March 2022 under  the European Labour Authority’s permanent working group “European Platform to enhance cooperation in tackling undeclared work”, with the aim to discuss several strategical issues related to the Ukrainian crisis, such as the demographic data available about the displaced persons/refugees, the key factors affecting their choice of a destination country, the networks they use for communicating and obtaining information, with a special attention on protecting vulnerable Ukrainian workers from the risk of undeclared work and exploitation.

The subgroup is committed on the understanding of the rules in play, covering:

  • the identification of the main responsible parties to prevent and detect undeclared work among the refugees in the Member States, 
  • their respective powers and mandates, 
  • the recent legislative framework, 
  • the possible coordination of activities, including inspections, 
  • other good practices by enforcement authorities.

The event was organized by the European Labour Authority with the participation of  experts from the European Commission, the European Union Agency for Asylum (EUAA), the Fundamental Rights Agency (FRA), Social Partners, as well as speakers representing Ukrainian Police Force and several Members States, including Poland, who chaired the meeting  

Go to the playlist on YouTube