The European Labour Authority (ELA) took today another step in its formal establishment in Bratislava, Slovakia. Some weeks ago ELA moved to its Bratislava offices. Today, the next step in its establishment was taken when the headquarters agreement or the so-called ‘seat agreement’ between ELA and Slovakia was formally signed.
This means that the headquarters agreement will be provisionally applied as of today and will later enter into force. The signing of the headquarters agreement is important for the full functioning of the Agency in Slovakia as well as for the integration of ELA staff and their family members in Slovakia.
The Slovak Minister of Labour, Social Affairs and Family, Milan Krajniak, said: ”I am very pleased that the seat of such an important institution as the European Labour Authority is being established in Bratislava. Slovakia is a hard-working country that can offer a lot of expertise in this area. I believe that the European Labour Authority will feel at home in our country."
ELA Executive Director, Cosmin Boiangiu replied: “It is more than symbolic that the EU Agency responsible for fair labour mobility has its Seat in a country which is located in the heart of Europe. The Seat Agreement is a milestone in the short history of ELA because it formalises Slovakia as ELA’s home.”
The European Labour Authority was originally established on 31 July 2019, and its activities started in mid-October 2019 in Brussels with the first Management Board meeting. ELA is expected to reach its full operational capacity by 2024 and will employ 144 staff in its Bratislava offices.