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Subgroup meeting: Tackling undeclared work in road transport

Wednesday 9 February 2022, 00.00-23.59 (CET)


The aim of this subgroup was to provide contributions to the overall ELA awareness-raising campaign on the road transport sector, in particular for raising awareness amongst workers about the negative impact of undeclared work and the associated risks, as well as to sensitise employers concerning their obligations to declare workers.

During the subgroup meeting, three inputs were presented:

  • Occupational safety and health in the road transport sector: facts, figures, and considerations
  • Violations of the driving and resting time in the road transport sector
  • Tackling undeclared work in the road transport sector.

The suggestions and recommendations gathered in the subgroup meeting build on and complement the ELA audience analysis and draft campaign plan in the road transport sector.

Participants of the subgroup meeting discussed the possible contribution ELA could make to the campaign and potential target groups, key messages, channels and activities.

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