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ELA National Event in Hungary

Enforcing labour mobility legislation in Hungary: labour fines and subcontracting liability

Tuesday 27 February 2024, 01.00-23.00 (CET)
Budapest, Hungary


The event aims to promote the understanding of the importance of regularization through a mix of penalties, as well as to inform inspectorates and managers within relevant enforcement bodies tasked with sanctioning labour law related infringements. Also, the aim of the event is to spread the information gathered during the Event to the national stakeholders in Hungary and their colleagues in other Member States.    

Cross-border labour mobility has an increasing relevance for the Hungarian labour market. With a view on ensuring that labour mobility to Hungary occurs in an orderly legal framework, Hungary aims at reviewing its legislation on undeclared work. In this context, this event strives to collect lessons from the practices of other EU Member States to facilitate the decisions of the Hungarian Ministry for National Economy. 

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