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EURES Portal Business Manager

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Submission deadline
Temporary Agent AD7
Brussels, Belgium


The Authority is launching a vacancy notice with a view to establishing a reserve list of Temporary Agents for the position of EURES Portal Business Manager.

The EURES Job Mobility Portal has the purpose of facilitating the matching of employers and jobseekers across Europe by interconnecting the job vacancy and jobseekers databases of the employment services of the Member countries. The Portal includes a database of job vacancies and CVs, find-a-job and find-a-candidate functionalities, information on labour mobility (e.g. living and working conditions, hints and tips for employers and jobseekers), an overview of EURES services and contact details of EURES staff, and a helpdesk. In addition, there is an Extranet section of the Portal, accessible to national coordinators and EURES staff. Among others, the Extranet hosts dedicated workspaces, registration for training, performance measurement forms. It also supports the coordination and exchange of information within the network.

The European Labour Authority sets up the strategic direction, defines the product roadmap and formulates business requirements and user needs. The European Commission remains responsible for the technical operation and development of the EURES portal and related IT services.

The EURES portal is one of the most visited web pages of the EU institutions with about 10.000 unique visits a day.

Vacancy notice - EURES Portal Business Manager - ELA/AD/2021/09

English (230.02 KB - PDF)

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