The European Labour Authority helps to ensure that EU rules on labour mobility and social security coordination are enforced in a fair and effective way. Our goal is to make it easier for individuals and businesses to benefit from the internal market of the European Union.
The European Labour Authority contributes to fair, simple and effective labour mobility by performing the following tasks:

Information and services
ELA provides access to information on labour mobility for individuals, employers and social partners

ELA coordinates EURES network and supports Member States in promoting cross-border job matching

ELA coordinates and supports Member States in conducting cross‑border inspections to strengthen cross-border enforcement of EU rules.

Cooperation with Member States
ELA facilitates cooperation and the exchange of information between Member States

Training and Capacity building
ELA facilitates cooperation and the exchange of information between Member States

ELA provides mediation services in cross-border disputes between EU Member States

Analysis & Risk assessment
ELA carries out analysis and risk assessment related to issues of cross‑border labour mobility

Relations with social partners
ELA engages with trade unions and employers’ organisations in the field of labour mobility and social security coordination.

Digital tools for labour mobility
ELA promotes knowledge sharing on digital tools and innovative solutions for labour mobility
Go to ELA services
ELA delivers specific services addressed to different beneficiaries/users:
- citizens - jobseekers/employers
- national authorities - public authorities of the Member States at national level
(Ministries, Labour inspectorates, social security organisations) - social partners - at EU level and national level, where indicated
- other users - see each service in detail
Key documents
ELA’s Work Programmes
Each year ELA publishes its detailed annual work programme and multiannual work plan, included in a single programming document.
Annual Reports
ELA’s Consolidated Annual Activity Report (CAAR) contains information on the achievement of key objectives and activities in the previous year, as planned in the annual work programme.
Financial documents
Find all financial documents available to the public.
Working groups
According to ELA’s founding regulation, the Agency can set up working groups to fulfil a specific task or regarding a particular policy area. To this date ELA, has four dedicated working groups in which representatives from Member States, the European Commission and social partners share their expertise on the dedicated subject:
Working Group on Information
List of members and alternates
Working Group on Inspections
List of members and alternates
Working Group on Mediation
List of members and alternates
European Platform tackling undeclared work
List of members and alternates
Output papers from thematic discussions held during Platform plenary meetings as well as from Platform subgroups are published together with other reports on tackling undeclared work and are accessible here.