The free movement of workers is a fundamental principle of the European Union that allows nationals of any EU member state to work in another member state under the same conditions as the nationals of that member state. This principle ensures that EU citizens have the right to accept job offers, and move freely within the country for working and living.
Ongoing activities
ELA is continuously working on various initiatives to support the free movement of workers. Some of the ongoing activities include:
- Awareness campaigns: ELA continues to run awareness campaigns like #Rights4AllSeasons or Fair HORECA in EU to educate workers and employers about their rights and obligations.
- Training and workshops: regular training sessions and workshops are held for labour inspectorates and other relevant authorities to enhance their ability to enforce EU labour laws. These sessions cover challenges related to seasonal work, disseminating information and assistance services, and improving cooperation between labour inspectorates and occupational health and safety authorities, supporting the enforcement of EU labour mobility legislation.
- Cross-border inspections: ELA organises and supports cross-border inspections to ensure compliance with labour regulations, including related to the free movement of workers.
- Cross-border cooperation: collaborating with national authorities to resolve cross-border employment issues efficiently.
- EURES services: the EURES network is actively involved in providing services to job seekers and employers, facilitating cross-border recruitment and job matching.
- Analysis: ELA conducts analysis to identify emerging trends and challenges in the field of free movement of workers.
Week of Action in partnership with Europol, focused on agriculture organised; in the framework of concerted and joint inspections | News
Cross-border pilot project on mutual learning and exchange on information provision in the area of seasonal work | News
Call for good practices in information provision, innovative digital solutions or comprehensive practices, or measures facilitating exchange among institutions relevant for seasonal workers and employers | News.
The European (Online) Job Days event "Seize the Summer with EURES", focusing exclusively on the summer season in the HORECA sector, was re-launched after a COVID-19 break in 2021.
Launch of ELA#Rights4AllSeasons campaign.
EU Legal Framework
The legal basis for the free movement of workers is enshrined in Article 45 of the Treaty on the Functioning of the European Union (TFEU). This principle is further supported by various EU regulations and directives, including Regulation (EU) No 492/2011 and Directive 2014/54/EU.
These legal instruments provide a framework for equal treatment, ensuring that workers can exercise their rights effectively across the EU.
ELA's role and tasks
ELA plays a crucial role in facilitating the free movement of workers within the EU. ELA's activities in this area include:
- Information and services: ELA organizes campaigns, workshops, and information sessions to raise awareness about workers' rights and obligations.
- Support for enforcement: ELA provides training for labour inspectorates, conducts cross-border inspections, and holds seminars on issues such as undeclared work. These efforts help ensure that national authorities can effectively enforce EU labour laws.
- EURES network: ELA manages the EURES European Coordination Office, which provides services through the EURES Portal. This network supports recruitment across borders and helps workers find job opportunities in other EU member states.
- Collaboration and coordination: ELA works closely with national authorities to improve administrative cooperation and support the efficient implementation of EU labour laws. This includes facilitating the exchange of information and best practices among member states.