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Stakeholder Group

Stakeholder Group

ELA has a dedicated Stakeholder Group as a consultative body, to benefit from the expertise of stakeholders in the field of labour mobility and social security coordination. It is composed of ten representatives of Union-level partners representing sectors which are particularly involved in labour mobility. There is an equal representation of trade unions and employers' organisations. Two representatives of the European Commission also take part in the Stakeholder Group.

The Stakeholder Group has an advisory role. Its members receive prior briefing and can submit opinions on the draft work programme, and other issues related to EU labour mobility falling within ELA’s scope.

The Stakeholder Group meets at least twice a year and also has a joint meeting with the Management Board.

  • Meetings of the Stakeholder Group – Agenda and Minutes (link will be updated) 
  • Rules of procedure of ELA Stakeholder Group (link will be updated) 

Stakeholder Group composition