Peer learning dialogue: Challenges and solutions in preventing, detecting and proving undeclared work in new forms of work
Bratislava, Slovakia
(see on map)Description
The peer learning dialogue (PLD) focuses on challenges and solutions in detecting undeclared work in new forms of work such as platform work. It scrutinises the nature of undeclared work in the collaborative economy and discusses approaches and tools applied by enforcement authorities in tackling undeclared work including across borders.
The meeting on 18 October focused on:
- The nature of undeclared work in new forms of work (and how enforcement authorities respond).
- Detecting and proving undeclared work in new forms of work (alternative methods of inspections, etc).
- Data gaps on platform workers and companies including traceability and transparency especially across borders and when sub-contractor chains are used.
The meeting on 19 October focused on:
- Cooperation between enforcement authorities to prevent undeclared work and social dumping including across borders.
- Social dialogue and collective bargaining practices in the area.
- Skills and competences needs.
The third meeting of the PLD took place online on 23 November 2022. During this meeting participants shared their conclusions and lessons learnt in relation to the actions they tested since meetings 1 and 2.
European Labour Authority
EU-UDW-PLATFORMicf [dot] com (EU-UDW-PLATFORM[at]icf[dot]com)
Location on map
Bratislava, Slovakia