ELA call for good practices 2022: apply now!
ELA is launching a call with the aim to collect good practice examples and promote the exchange, dissemination and uptake of good practices and knowledge collected among Member States. The selected good practices will be presented during an event and will be visible on ELA website.
In 2022 the call is targeted to good practices in the fields of:
- Road transport: good practices related to approaches other than penal sanctions, including ‘smart enforcement’ methods, to seek compliance with road transport rules as well as other risk assessment solutions in the road transport sector; practices enhancing cooperation between Member States and their national contact points; initiatives relating to the implementation of the classification of serious infringements.
- Seasonal work: good practices related to information provision on seasonal workers’ rights and entitlements derived from EU level regulation on labour mobility (focus on agriculture and tourism), targeting workers and employers in both sending and receiving countries; innovative digital solutions or comprehensive practices accompanying workers and employers from pre- to post-recruitment across borders; measures that not directly target workers and employers but aim to facilitate exchange among institutional actors.
The Call for Good Practices is open to Member State administrations and other stakeholders operating at the national, regional or local level, including social security institutions, civil society and social partner organizations.
Deadline for submitting applications for the 2022 priorities is on 15 October 2022.