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Thematic review workshop: Information tools and approaches to reach out to workers and companies

Date: -
Location: Stockholm
(see on map)


The aim of the workshop was to share knowledge and experiences amongst the Platform members to change the values, beliefs and norms of two target groups, workers and employers, towards undeclared work.

The workshop brought together Platform members and observers from 15 EU Member States (MS) and Norway (EEA) – including representatives of national ministries, labour inspectorates, social security authorities, and tax and customs authorities and was hosted by the Platform member in Sweden, the Swedish Work Environment Authority.

A learning resource from the thematic review workshop of the European Platform tackling undeclared work: Information tools and approaches to reach out to workers and companies (2018)

A practitioner toolkit from the thematic review workshop on 'Information tools and approaches to reach out to workers and companies in the fight against undeclared work' (2018)

Executive summary - Thematic review workshop: Information tools and approaches to reach out to workers and companies (2018)

Summary report from the follow-up visit on 'Information Tools and approaches to reach out to workers and companies in the fight against undeclared work' (2018)

Location on map


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