Austria, Belgium, France, Germany, the Netherlands and Portugal inspected river cruise ships and freight carriers in September coordinated and supported by the European Labour Authority and the waterborne law-enforcement network AQUAPOL. 78 ships and 82 companies were checked. Over 330 employees were interviewed. Breaches of minimum wage rules, expired visas or long working hours were discovered. Legal proceedings in at least 100 cases were initiated.

Videos, pictures, highlights of the day

Third edition with the focus on digitalisation in social security coordination, information provision in road transport. Deadline: 7 June 2024.

Discover essential insights about Europe’s workforce challenges, revealed by the Employment and Social Developments in Europe (ESDE) Report.

The document provides insights and practical tools useful not only to national competent authorities in the field of posting of workers, but also to a wide range of institutions.

Around thirty workers were controlled, some of them were identified as third country nationals using fake ID cards from EU member states.

ELA has launched today it’s new information and awareness raising campaign during a press conference in Helsinki, Finland. The first ELA-supported joint inspection between Finland and Estonia is also taking place at the same time.

ELA published today a new report on the awareness of labour mobility services.

The European Parliament hosted today for the second edition the landmark event “Skills, skills, skills! Skills for people, skills for competitiveness, skills for sustainability”.