ELA’s national events to increase knowledge and raise awareness on EU labour mobility and the role of ELA

Coordination and networking with Member States is a strategic leverage for ELA to ensure the enforcement of labour mobility rules and cross-sectoral cooperation all around Europe.
The two events held this September in Finland and Sweden are further steps towards this goal.
14th September 2022, ELA national event in Finland: how to improve cooperation in labour mobility and the implementation of the Mobility Package in road transport.
ELA’s representatives were in Helsinki to meet the Finnish national authorities with the aim to improve cooperation and information flow between different authorities working with various aspects of labour mobility, as well as with the social partners. It brought together stakeholders in the field of labour mobility such as labour inspectorates, government representatives - the Ministry of Economy and Employment, the Ministry of Social Affairs and Health and the Ministry of Transport and Communications, pension and social security institutions, transport and communications agencies, and enforcement authorities like the border guard, custom and the police etc.
ELA’s representatives focused on how ELA can assist the Member States in enforcement of labour mobility rules. A session devoted to labour mobility issues included presentations about ELA’s activities and the implementation of the Mobility Package I in road transport and the expanded use of the Internal Market Information (IMI) System by ELA, rules on posting of workers.
16th September 2022, ELA national event in Sweden: how to ensure an effective multisectoral cooperation on labour mobility and with ELA.
The delegation from ELA was in Stockholm at the Swedish Work Environment Authority premises. The event was aimed at improving national cooperation and exchange of information as regards labour mobility and activities in connection to ELA. The event combined practical and awareness raising aspects, under the theme national multisectoral cooperation between relevant authorities and social partners that are covered by ELA’s areas of interest. It also offered networking opportunities between stakeholders involved in EU labour mobility and to improve ELA’s outreach in the Member States.
The event included presentations and discussions on ELA, its goals, on-going work and planned activities as well as a practice example on how national coordination has been implemented in Finland. The Swedish Work Environment Authority presented a suggested structure and working arrangements with the aim to ensure an effective national cooperation that meets expectations at both national and EU level.