#EU4FairWork campaign for declared work - Promotional toolkit (2020)
English (3.18 MB - PDF)Learning resource paper from the thematic review workshop on ‘National and bilateral agreements and memoranda of understanding to tackle undeclared work’ (2017)
English (582.36 KB - PDF)Glossary of terms (2018)
English (571.33 KB - PDF)Tackling undeclared work across Europe: Effective solutions for policymakers (2020)
English (842.97 KB - PDF)Toolkit on competence profiles of labour inspectorates and inspectors in tackling undeclared work (2020)
English (2.03 MB - PDF)A practitioner toolkit from the thematic review workshop on 'Cross-border concerted and joint inspections' (2019)
English (2.92 MB - PDF)A practitioner toolkit from the dissemination seminar on 'Communicating Effectively' (2019)
English (5.92 MB - PDF)A practitioner toolkit from the thematic review workshop on 'Information tools and approaches to reach out to workers and companies in the fight against undeclared work' (2019)
English (7.38 MB - PDF)A practitioner toolkit from the thematic review workshop on 'Risk assessment for more efficient inspections' (2019)
English (1023.79 KB - PDF)A practitioner toolkit from the Platform seminar on 'Tools and approaches to deal with undeclared work in the construction sector' (2017)
English (1.02 MB - PDF)